Best ECN broker triumphed in Foggy Albion!

Best ECN broker triumphed in Foggy Albion!

Dear traders and partners!

We are extremely happy to let you know that the Best broker 2015 has triumphed in England! This time, we have been invited by a reputable financial publishing house, Global Banking and Finance Review, to be awarded with a truly precious and a fully deserved prize – two new rewards that have topped all our previous success! Let us unveil the secret: our two new titles are the “Best ECN Broker in Asia 2015” and the “Best ECN Broker in the Middle East 2015”! This is a brand new, absolutely unattainable record! ECN is the top-notch technology for a brokerage company. With its innovative, high-quality services, FBS keeps conquering the world and being in the sun! We would like to share our joy and pride for getting the awards with you, our dear clients! This is our common achievement and success earned together – you inspire us with your talents and enthusiasm! Today, we are also publishing an exclusive interview with a company representative shot in London. You will gather tons of useful and up-to-date information from there, shared by an expert. Be the first to learn the secrets of market trends! We remind you that Global Banking and Finance Review is one of the most popular British sources and its opinion is valued all over the world.

The award is given by the organization to recognize the highest achievements in the financial sphere. We greet the company and all its clients with such a glorious achievement and a new victory! We are the best!

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